Tested on:
- Drupal 5.x
- Zen theme
- Requirements: JQuery Update
Do you remember my Customize links menu in Drupal mini-howto? You can use it to change text links in image links renaming and customizing theme_links function (from theme.inc) and adding it to your template.php.
On your template.php file, you have something like this:
$imglink_path = path_to_theme() . “/my_zen_subtheme/menu/” . str_replace(” “,”_”,strtolower($link['title']) . $imgsuffix . “.gif”);
$imglink = theme_image($imglink_path, $alt = $link['title'], $title = $link['title'], $attributes = NULL, $getsize = FALSE);
$imglink = $link['title'];
- Search for images in a defined folder by link title: if link title is “My Nice Link”, a “my_nice_link.gif” image is used.
- Generate HTML code for “my_nice_link.gif”. Note: getsize is set to FALSE to avoid errors on rollover
- If Drupal cannot generate HTML code for image (e.g. file not found) link is rendered as plain text
If you want to add a rollover effect on primary links images, you have to add this JQuery javascript code on page.tpl.php:
<script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[
$("#primary a").mouseover(function ()
$rollsrc = $(this).children("img").attr("src");
$matches = $rollsrc.match(/_active.gif$/);
if (!$matches) {
$rollON = $rollsrc.replace(/.gif$/,"_active.gif");
$(this).children("img").attr("src", $rollON);
$("#primary a").mouseout(function ()
$(this).children("img").attr("src", $rollsrc);
// ]]></script>
Where "_active" is the rollover image.
See also:
- Easy, Reusable Image Rollovers with jQuery (JQuery rollover tips used for this mini-howto)
- A module for Drupal 6.x named Signwriter allows to generate text from images even for menus.